On April 20, 2024, Earth Day, the Friends of the Robbins Town Gardens sponsored a clean-up day in the gardens between the Library and the Town Hall.

Cleaning out the pools
The morning was wet and rainy, but by noon it was just cloudy and a comfortable temperature to work outside. So, we started out in the early afternoon with a good group of volunteers. Several members of the Arlington Rotary, the Arlington Garden Club, and other Arlington residents joined the Friends of the Robbins Town Gardens to help “spruce up” the garden in preparation for the spring and summer seasons.
Fixing the fence
Leftover leaves and sticks from the winter beneath the shrubs were bagged for disposal in more than twenty-five leaf bags, generously donated by Shattuck Hardware.
Volunteers removed a lot of invasive plants and trimmed some dead wood on shrubs.

Bye bye leaves!
The Friends of the Robbins Town Gardens and the Arlington Garden Club will be working in the garden in the spring and summer months. The work schedule will also be posted here on our website. If you’d like to join us to help keep the garden looking beautiful, send an email to FRTG2018@gmail.com, and we’ll connect you with the appropriate person.

Remember that the garden is beautiful this time of year and is a great place to visit if you haven’t been there in the past few weeks.