On December 2, 2017, Robert Cunniff, Christine Harris, and JoAnn Robinson, members of the Friends of the Robbins Town Gardens; Master Gardeners, Emily Snyder and Diane Geis , Stephan Miller of the Arlington Garden Club; and Mona McKindley, historic arborist, worked to prepare a portion of the garden for spring planting.

For four hours they pruned, raked and sawed. They removed invasive vines, reduced the size of overgrown shrubs, and cut down dead and diseased trees.

While a few trees still remain to be pruned or cut down, the area at the side of town hall is now largely ready for spring planting.

To replace what has been removed, the Friends of the Robbins Town Gardens, in concert with Mona McKindley, have chosen plants that conform to the original 1938 Olmsted plan: cherry, elm, and maple trees, as well as lilac, mock orange, and high bush blueberry
Our work now shifts to raising funds so that, come spring, we can put these plants in place. If you would like to contribute to our spring planting, click here