What’s happening behind the fence ?


The new fence













The rain finally stopped and the project team met to get the restoration project started. The first thing the contractor and his crew will be doing is building plywood boxes to cover and protect the benches and the ripple as well as creating the construction entrance to the site.  Over the next two weeks, workers will be protecting trees, the Menotomy Indian Hunter sculpture and more. A fence will be put up and pruning will be done to ensure that the trees don’t suffer from accidental damage. Then work on the lower pool will begin.

The Contractor submitted his own images to document the site prior to beginning the work.  These are his photographs.

  • Vault cover 2
    Vault cover 2
  • Vault cover
    Vault cover
  • Reflecting pool 2
    Reflecting pool 2
  • Rocks & Statue 2
    Rocks & Statue 2
  • Rocks & statue
    Rocks & statue
  • Upper pool and Indian
    Upper pool and Indian
  • Upper pool and ripple 2
    Upper pool and ripple 2
  • Upper pool and ripple
    Upper pool and ripple
  • Ripple and stepping stones 2
    Ripple and stepping stones 2
  • Ripple and stepping stones
    Ripple and stepping stones
  • Ripple and reflecting pool 3
    Ripple and reflecting pool 3
  • Ripple and reflecting pool 2
    Ripple and reflecting pool 2
  • Ripple and reflecting pool
    Ripple and reflecting pool
  • Reflecting pool
    Reflecting pool


This slide show documents work on the site starting from the installation of the fence, the protection of the benches and ripple, the removal of the bricks, coping stones and upper pool stones and the beginning of excavating the reflecting pool

  • Excavation begins
    Excavation begins
  • The big trucks arrive
    The big trucks arrive
  • Cleared around the statue
    Cleared around the statue
  • Ripple protected
    Ripple protected
    Looking down from the Indian on the protected ripple
  • Under Wraps
    Under Wraps
  • Menotomy Indian protected from above
    Menotomy Indian protected from above
    Cover supported by Black Walnuts on either side
  • Trees support statue protection
    Trees support statue protection
    Tree wrapped to protect bark before support columns installed.
  • Trees support statue protection
    Trees support statue protection
    Menotomy Indian protected from falling debris by overhead cover
  • Coping stones 4
    Coping stones 4
    Coping stones piled, shrink wrapped and ready for storage
  • Coping stones 3
    Coping stones 3
    All stones numbered, and their orientation marked with grease crayon
  • Remove coping stones 2
    Remove coping stones 2
    Coping stones loosened, protected from chipping by wood inserts
  • Remove coping stones 1
    Remove coping stones 1
    Coping stones loosened and ready for storage
  • Fork lift
    Fork lift
    Pallets of bricks moved with the fork lift
  • Bricks 1
    Bricks 1
    shrink-wrapped for storage
  • Bricks 2
    Bricks 2
    shrink-wrapped for storage
  • Protecting the ripple
    Protecting the ripple
    Wooden cover protects the ripple
  • Entrance to the Job Site
    Entrance to the Job Site